Being Better Blog

Top 4 Ways to Recover Like a Pro
General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers

Top 4 Ways to Recover Like a Pro

Our energies, bodies, and world run on familiar cycles. The seasons of the year, days turning into nights, and of course, the menstrual cycle run on these patterns of ups and downs, high energy and low energy. They help us survive and maintain balance. Our workouts should follow this same pattern if we want to be active for life.

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How to Incorporate Bolsters in Supportive Yoga Postures
General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers

How to Incorporate Bolsters in Supportive Yoga Postures

Bolsters have never been a huge part of my personal practice until this last year. I’m definitely not consistent with a yin practice yet, but I plan on using my Manduka Enlight bolsters more frequently!

So for your viewing pleasure and to learn more about how to support your practice yin/restorative style, here are a few ways I love to incorporate a bolster.

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How to Best Use Your Yoga Blocks
General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers

How to Best Use Your Yoga Blocks

Do you feel like using props in your yoga practice is a sign of weakness? Of inability?

I invite you to take a different perspective. Even the most “advanced” practitioner would find value in using props, especially if it means getting more sensation and a deeper connection to your body and breath.

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