Being Better Blog

Why I’m Kicking My Coffee Habit
Cycle Syncing, Hormonal Health Brittney Ellers Cycle Syncing, Hormonal Health Brittney Ellers

Why I’m Kicking My Coffee Habit

Truth be told, I’ve always known that caffeine/coffee/espresso is addicting. I remember my dad going through phases of “no coffee” and he would have these major withdrawl symptoms. Headaches and moodiness seemed to be rough on him.

My coffee addiction started slowly but progressed due to long days (and nights) in grad school, followed by long days in the clinic, followed by a growing love for sitting in the morning and chatting with friends, holding onto a warm cup of coffee and coconut or oat milk.

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Apps for Menstrual Cycle Tracking and Syncing

Apps for Menstrual Cycle Tracking and Syncing

For many women nowadays, tracking their menstrual cycle is a must. Maybe for the majority it’s to prevent or plan for pregnancy using the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). For a small, but hopefully growing, portion of women, tracking their menstrual cycle is more about cycle syncing, a method that helps optimize a woman’s life in all areas based on where she is at in her cycle.

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Helpful and Hormonal
Hormonal Health Brittney Ellers Hormonal Health Brittney Ellers

Helpful and Hormonal

Hormonal: The hidden intelligence of hormones- how they drive desire, shape relationships, influence our choices, and make us wiser is written by Martie Haselton, PhD, a professor of psychology at UCLA and the Institute for Society and Genetics. She basically takes all of these scientific studies, humor, societal observations, past and current politics, and personal experience and writes comprehensively to show what I already felt was true about females and their hormones.

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