The Truth about Painful Periods

Here’s another post inspired by one of my past clients. And before we get to the good stuff, I have to say it:

This is a semi-bandaid approach to the real issue: the perpetuation of the idea that your cycle, including your period, is and will always be painful, uncomfortable, or troublesome.

It doesn’t have to be.

Yes, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), heavy bleeding, and painfully debilitating cramps are very common amongst menstruators but they are NOT normal. These are signs and symptoms that you need to address (whether you do this on your own or seek holistic healthcare).

My testimony to you all (including non-menstruators) is that an easy breezy period exists. I experience them (almost) every month. When it’s NOT as easy, it’s because something in my life is off - whether it’s stress, not eating enough nourishing foods, or not moving my body in helpful ways.

This is where the poses offered here can help make the transition from luteal phase to menstrual phase better.

Poses for Relieving Painful Cramps

  1. Sufi circles

  2. Pigeon pose

  3. Seated twist

  4. Supported supine butterfly

  5. Supine twist with knees bent

  6. Legs up the wall

  7. Wide legs on the wall

  8. BONUS pose: Child’s pose or savasana

To watch me demo these poses and more direction, click here.

What do I do if I struggle every period?

You’re not alone and there is support!

Start small: Keep reading this blog, check out my featured podcast episodes, or purchase WomanCode on my Amazon storefront or wherever you like to buy books.

Bigger steps: Get my Cycle Syncing Cheat Sheets that simplify balancing your hormones for better periods. You can start today!

Need more? Book a 1:1 in person or virtual session. We can get to the root of what’s going on with your periods and style your life to benefit your hormones (which in turn benefits YOU and EVERYTHING in your life!)


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